Registration DetailsYou're almost there!
STEP 1Register your group and select number of tickets needed.
Use the REGISTER NOW button to register your group and select the number of tickets you want for your group. One ticket is needed per student/leader.
Tickets purchased are non-refundable - buy only what you need. Your tickets (in the form of wristbands) will be handed to you at registration when you arrive. Once you pay, you will receive a confirmation email and invoice. Your group is now registered. There will be a link in the confirmation email that you can use to purchase additional tickets if needed. Phoenix Fest is partnering with Bethany Community Church in St. Catharines for the registration and payment details for this event. Your debit/credit card will be charged when you submit the online form and ‘BETHANYCC’ will appear in the debit line of your statement. If you would like to pay by cheque, please email [email protected] to make those arrangements. |
Complete the group registration form.
Once students and leaders commit to attend Phoenix Fest, download the GROUP REGISTRATION FORM and add their details to the form. Print the completed form and bring it with you when you check-in onsite. This is the only sheet you need to hand in at registration.
You will want to create your own individual registration form from your church and have each of your students who are attending complete it and obtain the necessary parent/guardian signatures. Please consult with your insurance and plan to prevent policies to know what to include in this form. You will want to have these forms with you at the event, but you will not be required to hand them in on arrival. |
We're here to help.
If you have any questions about this registration information or process, send an email to [email protected]. Thanks!